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IDH1 antibody

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Immunoprecipitation (IP). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179
Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

Cat. No. GTX105179










Human, Mouse, Rat
100 μl ($399),
25 μl ($169)


Application Note

*Optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the researcher.
Application Recommended Dilution
WB 1:1000-1:10000
IHC-P 1:100-1:1000
IP 1:100-1:1000
Not tested in other applications.

Calculated MW

47 kDa. ( Note )

Positive Control

Huh-7 , HepG2 , Neuro2A , C8D30 , NIH-3T3 , Raw 264.7 , C2Cl2 , DDDDk-tagged IDH1-transfected 293T

Predict Reactivity

Zebrafish, Sheep, Bovine, Xenopus laevis, Rhesus Monkey(>80% identity)





PBS, 20% Glycerol


0.025% ProClin 300


Store as concentrated solution. Centrifuge briefly prior to opening vial. For short-term storage (1-2 weeks), store at 4ºC. For long-term storage, aliquot and store at -20ºC or below. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.


0.69 mg/ml (Please refer to the vial label for the specific concentration.)

Antigen Species



Recombinant protein encompassing a sequence within the center region of human IDH1. The exact sequence is proprietary.


Purified by antigen-affinity chromatography.






For laboratory research use only. Not for any clinical, therapeutic, or diagnostic use in humans or animals. Not for animal or human consumption.

Purchasers shall not, and agree not to enable third parties to, analyze, copy, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to determine the structure or sequence of the product.



isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 1, cytosolic , HEL-216 , HEL-S-26 , IDCD , IDH , IDP , IDPC , PICD

Cellular Localization

Cytoplasm , Peroxisome


Isocitrate dehydrogenases catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to 2-oxoglutarate. These enzymes belong to two distinct subclasses, one of which utilizes NAD(+) as the electron acceptor and the other NADP(+). Five isocitrate dehydrogenases have been reported: three NAD(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases, which localize to the mitochondrial matrix, and two NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenases, one of which is mitochondrial and the other predominantly cytosolic. Each NADP(+)-dependent isozyme is a homodimer. The protein encoded by this gene is the NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase found in the cytoplasm and peroxisomes. It contains the PTS-1 peroxisomal targeting signal sequence. The presence of this enzyme in peroxisomes suggests roles in the regeneration of NADPH for intraperoxisomal reductions, such as the conversion of 2, 4-dienoyl-CoAs to 3-enoyl-CoAs, as well as in peroxisomal reactions that consume 2-oxoglutarate, namely the alpha-hydroxylation of phytanic acid. The cytoplasmic enzyme serves a significant role in cytoplasmic NADPH production. [provided by RefSeq]


Research Area


Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Non-transfected (–) and transfected (+) HepG2 whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:5000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Wild-type (WT) andIDH1 knockout (KO) HeLa cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:500. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Various whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 7.5% SDS-PAGE, and the membranes were blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000 and competitor's antibody (CST#8137) diluted at 1:1000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody.
*The competitor is not affiliated with GeneTex and does not endorse this product.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein at cytoplasm by immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: Paraffin-embedded mouse intestine.
IDH1 stained by IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000.
Antigen Retrieval: Citrate buffer, pH 6.0, 15 min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Non-transfected (–) and transfected (+) 293T whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:5000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Various whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody, and the signal was developed with Trident ECL plus-Enhanced.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein at cytoplasm by immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: Paraffin-embedded mouse liver.
IDH1 stained by IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000.
Antigen Retrieval: Citrate buffer, pH 6.0, 15 min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human colon carcinoma, using IDH1(GTX105179) antibody at 1:100 dilution.
Antigen Retrieval: Trilogy™ (EDTA based, pH 8.0) buffer, 15min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein by Western blot analysis.
A. 30 μg Neuro2A whole cell extract
B. 30 μg C8D30 whole cell extract
C. 30 μg NIH-3T3 whole cell extract
D. 30 μg Raw 264.7 whole cell extract
E. 30 μg C2Cl2 whole cell extract
IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) dilution: 1:1000

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein at cytoplasm by immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: Paraffin-embedded rat duodenum.
IDH1 stained by IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000.
Antigen Retrieval: Citrate buffer, pH 6.0, 15 min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein at cytoplasm by immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: Paraffin-embedded rat colon.
IDH1 stained by IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000.
Antigen Retrieval: Citrate buffer, pH 6.0, 15 min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Immunoprecipitation (IP). GTX105179

GTX105179 IP Image

IDH-1 antibody immunoprecipitates IDH-1 protein in IP experiments. IP Sample: HepG2 whole cell lysate/extract A : 30 μg whole cell lysate/extract of IDH1 protein expressing HepG2 cells B : Control with 2.5 μg of pre-immune rabbit IgG C : Immunoprecipitation of IDH-1 protein by 2.5 μg of IDH-1 antibody (GTX105179) 10% SDS-PAGE The immunoprecipitated IDH-1 protein was detected by IDH-1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1 : 1000. EasyBlot anti-rabbit IgG (HRP) (GTX221666-01) was used as a secondary reagent.

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in IHC (Paraffin sections) (IHC-P). GTX105179

GTX105179 IHC-P Image

IDH1 antibody detects IDH1 protein at cytoplasm by immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: Paraffin-embedded mouse brain.
IDH1 stained by IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000.
Antigen Retrieval: Citrate buffer, pH 6.0, 15 min

Anti-IDH1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX105179

GTX105179 WB Image

Various tissue extracts (50 μg) were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with IDH1 antibody (GTX105179) diluted at 1:1000. The HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG antibody (GTX213110-01) was used to detect the primary antibody.



IDH1 antibody Cat. No. GTX105179

Rating ( Average 5 based on 1 users reviews)
Western Blot(WB) ( Average 5 based on 1 users reviews)
Date : Anonymous submitted on 20-Aug-2019
Score :
Application Tested : WB
Sample Species : Ms
Sample : C57BL/6J mice kidney
Amount used : 20 μg
Blocking : 0.25% PVP-40 in TBST, 25°C, 1Hr
Primary Antibody : 1:2000, 4°C, 18Hr
Package List Price ($)
$ 399
$ 169