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Cancer Tissue Gallery- GTX04394

CD27 antibody [MSVA-027M] HistoMAX


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Parotid gland - A high proportion of lymphocytes in a Warthin tumor shows CD27 positivity.
Parotid gland - Warthin tumor showing CD27 positivity of most lymphocytes.
Pancreas - Ductal adenocarcinoma with a large number of CD27 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Prostate - Adenocarcinoma containing CD27 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Lymph node - CD27 immunostaining of most non-neoplastic lymphocytes in a Hodgkin's lymphoma. Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells remain CD27 negative.
Testis - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with CD27 positivity in non-neoplastic lymphocytes.
Testis - Embryonal carcinoma containing few CD27 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Testis - Seminoma showing CD27 positivity in a high proportion of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Testis - Seminoma showing CD27 positivity in the majoritiy of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
Lymph node -Strong diffuse CD27 expression in a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Lymph node - Strong diffuse CD27 expression in a follicular lymphoma.
Lymph node - Strong diffuse CD27 expression in a marginal zone lymphoma.

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