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Cancer Tissue Gallery- GTX04365

Thyroglobulin antibody [MSVA-189R] HistoMAXTM


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Follicular thyroid cancer with moderate thyroglobulin immunostaining.
Follicular thyroid cancer with moderate thyroglobulin immunostaining.
Follicular thyroid cancer with strong thyroglobulin expression.
Follicular thyroid cancer with thyroglobulin immunostaining of variable intensity ranging from weak to strong.
Medullary thyroid cancer adjacent to large colloid-filled follicles showing moderate thyroglobulin immunostaining of cancer cells.
Medullary thyroid cancer showing strong thyroglobulin positivity in a fraction of tumor cells.
Moderate thyroglobulin positivity in a papillary thyroid cancer.
Moderate to strong thyroglobulin immunostaining in a follicular thyroid cancer.
Papillary thyroid cancer showing weak to moderate thyroglobulin positivity in about 50% of cells.
Papillary thyroid cancer with intense thyroglobulin positivity and extensive stroma contamination.
Papillary thyroid cancer with moderate thyroglobulin positivity.
Strong thyroglobulin positivity in a papillary thyroid cancer.
Thyroglobulin negative anaplastic thyroid cancer.
Thyroglobulin negative anaplastic thyroid cancer.
Thyroglobulin positive medullary thyroid cancer adjacent to normal thyroid tissue.
Thyroglobulin negative medullary thyroid cancer.
Thyroglobulin positive anaplastic thyroid cancer.

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