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Normal Tissue Gallery- GTX04470

Myeloperoxidase antibody [MSVA-692M] HistoMAX


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Adrenal gland
Aorta, endothelium
Appendix, mucosa
Appendix, muscular wall
Bone marrow – Numerous Myeloperoxidase positive granulocyte precursor cells are seen in the bone marrow.
Bronchus, mucosa – Numerous Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries.
Cerebellum (granule cell layer, white matter)
Cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer)
Cerebrum, grey matter
Cerebrum, white matter
Colon descendens, mucosa – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries and possibly also the stroma of the lamina propria.
Colon descendens, muscular wall
Duodenum, Brunner gland
Duodenum, mucosa
Esophagus, squamous epithelium
Fallopian tube, mucosa
Gallbladder, epithelium
Heart – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries.
Ileum, mucosa – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries and possibly also the stroma of the lamina propria.
Kidney, cortex
Kidney, medulla – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries.
Kidney, pelvis, urothelium
Liver – Few Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within the liver sinus.
Lung – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small blood vessels.
Lymph node – Abundant Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within the sinus of a lymph node.
Lymph node
Ovary, stroma
Parotid gland
Pituitary gland, anterior lobe
Pituitary gland, posterior lobe
Placenta, early
Placenta, mature
Placenta (amnion and chorion)
Prostate – Myeloperoxidase positive intraglandular material is often absent in the prostate.
Prostate – Myeloperoxidase positive material can be seen in the lumina of prostatic glands.
Rectum, mucosa
Seminal vesicle
Spleen – Numerous Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are usually seen within the red pulp of the spleen.
Stomach, antrum – A faint cytoplasmic Myeloperoxidase staining in stomach glands is considered a tolerable cross-reactivity of our antibody.
Stomach, antrum
Stomach, corpus – A faint cytoplasmic Myeloperoxidase staining in stomach glands is considered a tolerable cross-reactivity of our antibody.
Striated muscle
Thyroid gland
Tonsil – Significant Myeloperoxidase staining is seen in inflamed tonsil crypt epithelium which also contains numerous Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes.
Tonsil, surface epithelium – Myeloperoxidase positive granulocytes are seen within small capillaries
Tonsil, surface epithelium
Urinary bladder, muscular wall
Uterus, ectocervix
Uterus, endocervix
Uterus, endometrium (pregnancy)
Uterus, endometrium (proliferation)
Uterus, endometrium (secretion)
Uterus, myometrium

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