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Normal Tissue Gallery- GTX04440

TIM-3 antibody [MSVA-366R] HistoMAXTM


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Adrenal gland
Adrenal gland
Aorta, media
Appendix, mucosa
Appendix, muscular wall
Bone marrow
Bronchus, mucosa
cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer)
cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter)
Cerebrum, grey matter
Cerebrum, white matter
Colon descendens, mucosa: In the colon mucosa, variable levels of TIM-3 immunostaining are seen in T-cells and in macrophages. Epithelial staining does not occur.
Colon descendens, muscular wall
Duodenum, Brunner gland
Duodenum, mucosa
Endometrium, proliferation
Endometrium, secretion
Epididymis: A strong TIM-3 staining occurs at the apical membranes an ciliae of tall columnar cells of the epididymis.
Esophagus, squamous epithelium
Esophagus, squamous epithelium
Gallbladder, epithelium
Ileum, mucosa: A membranous TIM-3 immunostaining of the surface epithelium of the small intestine may represent a (tolerable) cross-reactivity.
Ileum, mucosa
Kidney, cortex: In the kidney, apical membranes of a fraction of proximal tubuli show a moderate TIM-3 immunostaining.
Kidney, medulla
Liver: TIM-3 immunostaining occurs in venous sinusoids of the spleen and in Kupffer cells of the liver.
Lung: In the lung, a particularly strong TIM-3 immunostaining occurs in alveolar macrophages.
lymph node: In the lymph node, TIM-3 expression is seen in subsets of T-lymphocytes and macrophages. In this sample, macrophages show a particularly strong TIM-3 positivity.
Ovary, stroma
Parotid gland
Pituitary gland, anterior lobe
Pituitary gland, anterior lobe
Pituitary gland, posterior lobe
Pregnant uterus (decidua): Numerous interspersed macrophages show a strong TIM-3 immunostaining.
Placenta, early: In placenta macrophages, a strong TIM-3 immunostaining is seen.
Placenta, mature
Placenta, mature
Rectum, mucosa
Seminal vesicle
Sinus paranasales
Skin: In the skin, TIM-3 immunostaining occurs in a fraction of T-lymphocytes and of macrophages.
Spleen: In the spleen, TIM-3 immunostaining occurs in venous sinusoids as well as in T-lymphocytes.
Stomach, antrum
Stomach, corpus
Striated muscle
Thymus: In the thymus, TIM-3 immunostaining is rarely seen in cortical T-cells.
Thyroid gland
Tonsil: In the tonsil, variable levels of TIM-3 immunostaining are seen in T-cells and in macrophages.
Tonsil, surface epithelium: In the tonsil surface epithelium, TIM-3 immunostaining occurs in a fraction of T-lymphocytes and of macrophages. The black staining of the surface mebrane represents an inking effect.
Urinary bladder, muscular wall
Urinary bladder, urothelium
Uterus, myometrium

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